So I have this on again, off again relationship with WoW. As of this writing I have not logged in to WoW for a whopping nine days. See, I've gotten to the point where I am just geared enough that I could do whatever I want, only I am a bit burnt out with SoO. I do have a guild, but it's one of those pick up guilds you just use for the benefits, I don't know anyone in it, and no one talks to me either. I guess that's mostly on me because I have even attempted to join their vent server, or reach out to any one, because I am a bit of a stranger on my server.
A few posts ago I may of mentioned that I played on Aggramar, which was a festering purgatory with only one actual raiding guild Horde side, well a few weeks back I mouthed off to some obscure guild officer and then got banned from raiding for two weeks, so me being the genius I am, transferred to Thrall, where I was told it was like the land of milk and honey.
The first two weeks I spent on the server were great because I just pugged my way to Thrall every week, picking up some sweet loot along the way. Then Diablo III happened, on top of me starting a new job. I got fed up of looking for a group of 10 semi-geared semi-competent people, and just decided "fuck it," and went for the single player awesomeness of Diablo III.
I started working back in late February, and here it is May, and in that three month period I think I have clocked a total of maybe thirty hours in WoW tops. I have to ask myself one question though, why do I keep paying the subscription fee?
Mostly because I am to lazy to unsubscribe, mostly on the off chance that one day I will wake up and decide I have nothing better else to do but play WoW all day. I doubt that will be any time soon, however, because I am really just burnt out on the whole idea of the game. About the only thing I miss is all the people I met while playing the game, but now that SoO is cross realm the game just feels kind of meh and I feel no sense of urgency to come back to the game, mostly because no one needs me to help them along I guess.
Final take away: Am I looking forward to the new expansion?
Not really, it's most likely going to be the same re-hashed boring crap Blizzard comes up with every expansion, insert a few fart jokes here, add in a couple of cultural references here or there, and then BAM boring end game abound!
Me before I stopped trying...
Maybe I am just cynical, or maybe I am completely right, either way I am going to spend my time playing Diablo III because it vastly more interesting than WoW is, and on top of it all, I can play it by myself.
If anyone feels the need to interrupt my alone time, add my battle tag: Crappyplayer#1882 and give some feed back.
Follow @benlaakkonen