You know we are here only for such a short time, it's kind of funny how quickly it goes by. One day you're a kid full of optimism and starry eyes thinking that the people you love will never die, the next day you're 28 and you've watched several people you love waste away and die.
That's the thing, everyone dies. I'll die some day too, probably just like Elvis sitting on the shitter with a cheese burger in my hands.
One solution is to just ignore that fact and just go about your life as if it's not something that will effect you, until it does.
As I get older I am constantly inspired by the lyrics of Modest Mouse's music, almost as if those guys wrote the sound track to my life. When my grandfather died I was listening to the song "March into the Sea," and I started to cry because the lyrics reminded me of how much of a stubborn ass hole he could be and that given the chance he would have marched into the Sea. The song that got me for my grandmother was "Little Motel," a very emotional song about loss and the people you care the most about.
So what's the point I'm trying to make here? Well I guess it's that despite how short our lives really are, we should make the most of it. Travel while you can, meet new people, experience new things. See, I've gone through several bouts of depression where I don't even want to wake up any more, but what got me out of them was going out in the world and seeing what would happen. I understand not everyone can travel, but what I would suggest is if the opportunity to do so does arise, take it.
Right now I may be sleeping on my parents couch, but some day soon I'll have my own place again and maybe more. Who knows? I just know it won't happen over night and I gotta keep working my ass off until it does happen.
Alright, so there you guys have it, the sound track of my life right now. Let me know what you all think, and most of all, thanks for reading!