Saturday, March 5, 2022

I have no argument and I must scream

I think the last decade of the internet discourse, particularly that on YouTube has kind of devolved into a platforming of idiots and people who speak out their asses with 100% confidence without actually knowing anything. How else do you explain 12 people being responsible for all of the misinformation surrounding covid?

Now we've got Russia invading Ukraine and there are a select few willingly and eagerly licking Putin's boot. So that brings up the question? Why platform these people? Why even debate them? All it does is waste time, and embarrasses all involved.

The other night I was going for a walk with my girlfriend when I found a "White Privilege Card," on the sidewalk. I look at the back of it to find the url to store from a guy named Joel Patrick. He's a black Ben Shapiro. He has no actual arguments, just a bunch of talking points. It's kind of pathetic really.

I want to get into streaming, however moving forward, I don't think I'm going to engage in debates, instead I think I'll take a page out Diageneses' book and just start throwing plucked chickens at people in the middle of diatribes...

I have no argument and I must scream.