Sunday, December 15, 2024

Social Murder


I guess I'll go die then.

Where do I begin? A CEO was shot and half the population celebrated it while the conservatives grabbed at their pearls in horror. 


Social murder, when the owning class create the conditions under which working class people die, and do nothing to prevent these deaths because it would cost them money. When you look into our modern healthcare system, the more you will find that profits are being put before people at the expense of people.

How did we get here?

Apathy and corporate consolidation.

The privatization of American Health Insurance through the Affordable Care Act has made the cost of healthcare all but unreachable for most Americans. These plans have out of pocket costs as high as $10,000 for their government funded base plans. I would know, I had a plan like this when I lived in the state of Florida. I could not use the insurance to go see a doctor because all of the hospitals that would take my insurance were over 100 miles from where I lived. Millions of Americans have these shitty policies, and our taxes are subsidizing these plans. 

When healthcare is provided for profit, guess who ends up paying more in the end? Us. 

How do we change this system?

We can end the profit motive for healthcare and enshrine price controls into law like most other countries and nationalize hospitals. When you remove private profits from the hands of people who receive public money like hospital executives, you can take that money and reinvest into programs that help low income people who are most effected by higher prices.

I think a lack of imagination and a lack of leadership on this issue is why our country has become such a capitalist hellscape. When the "free market," decides that you have to work three jobs a day for more than 80 hours a week in order to make ends meet, then maybe the "free market," ain't too "free."

The only way forward for our society is to decommodify essential services like housing and healthcare. Until then the Capitalists that run our society will continue to gaslight and manipulate us to vote against our own interests until nothing is left of our planet but a dried out husk exploited at their bequest.

Brian Thompson after being shot

Fuck CEOs.